For this reason, videos or advice from housewives are made on the web to ensure that others, all over the world, can take their teachings and clean their homes thoroughly.
This also serves to avoid wasting strength and energy in having to remove the stubborn dirt that gets on our dishes and on our stoves and that cannot go away even with the most powerful degreasers.
For this reason, we try to combine two products that have nothing in common between them if we consider that dish detergent was created to make our dishes sanitized and shiny.
Otherwise, toothpaste is used for oral hygiene and serves to keep teeth white and avoid tooth decay and tartar that could deposit in our mouth and between our teeth.
For this reason, we tend not to combine the two products, as the purposes are different even if, if you think about it, both have to do with the digestive system as the dishes are used for our dishes and the toothpaste for ours. mouth.
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