Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is the birthplace of the cheesesteak sandwich, a culinary icon of American cuisine.
Classic elements of this sandwich are finely chopped beef, melted cheese, and sautéed onions, all wrapped in a pillowy puff pastry.
The end result is a rich, flavorful, and satisfying meal that has won over gourmets all across the country.
Making your own cheesesteak at home is easier than you think and gives you the freedom to customize the ingredients to your liking.
Whether you’re aiming to recreate a classic Philadelphia sandwich or add your own twist, this article will walk you through the steps to make the perfect house cheese sandwich.
This homemade cheese sandwich recipe
The ingredients:
ne package of finely chopped steak (faux filet)
1 little onion in a vegetable oil soup
one large onion, thinly sliced
1 finely chopped chiffonade pepper
8 pieces of provolone cheese or American cheese slices
4 pork or shellfish rouleaux
Salt and pepper to taste
half a teaspoon of dried (facultatif) mushrooms
2 cups of mayonnaise soup (facultatif)
Get the steak ready:
Cook the flank steak in the oven for about 30 minutes before slicing it. The meat will be easier to cut into thin slices if this is done.
Once the steak is somewhat firm, slice it as thin as possible using a well-oiled knife.
Garnish with onions and peppers:
Place the vegetable oil in a large skillet or heating plate and cook over medium heat.
Si vous en faites use, ajouter les poivrons et les oignons épicés. Make sure to return them to the pan every 8 to 10 minutes until they are tender and caramelized. If you’re adding mushrooms, bring them back to the boil with the onions and peppers.
Take the vegetables off the heat and set them aside.
Chop the steak:
Put the thinly sliced meat into the same pan. Pinch and sauté.
Cook the steak for about 5 to 7 minutes, or until it is done and well-done. While the steak is cooking, braise it using a spatula.
Mix the ingredients:
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